Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Forty day process of transformation ...

Welcome everyone .. this is the beginning of yet another new chapter of discovery! I find it timely and most certainly fitting for me to begin anew with this blog by charting my journey as i commit to a 40 day movement into transformation and oneness!For those of you who know me personally, you know that anything that has to do with physical action in the form of fitness etc. has always shown itself as a CHALLENGE ... The fact that I have chosen to share this new experience with all of you I suppose is my way of keeping aligned with the desire at hand. By engaging all of you as an audience to this experiment and having you somewhat involved in my movement thru the daily writing of this blog, it will prove to be difficult for me to not face up to this opportunity and own the responsibility of this personal challenge and stretch simply because of the extended commitment I feel towards my readers .... I will do my best to share the insights that are uncovered along the way as well as welcoming any means of support you may feel guided to share...The purpose behind this experience other than the knowing that it is time for me to integrate this next stage of growth, is once again to shed light firsthand on how spirit works through all of us to enhance our very own unique ways of freedom .... I invite you all to share in this process and perhaps begin your own very authentic call to wake!What I have committed to is a practice of "40 days to personal revolution" by Baron Baptiste ... it is a breakthrough program to radically change the body and awaken the sacred within the soul! It is devised to incorporate daily practices of yoga, diet awareness, meditation as well as weekly excavation questions for one to ponder.In combination to this, two of my dear friends have just released a new book called "The Proof'" as well as a global experiment using the 40 exercises to create the embodying of oneness. I highly recommend this read and moreso your personal participation in this sacred movement of love .. for those of you whom are interested and would love more information, you can go to:
www.naked-heart.com/index.html or http://promos.hayhouse.com/onenessexperiment/

Alrighty then .. here we go!!!! PLEASE feel free to join in .... love and blessings

1 comment:

  1. http://www.twolisteners.org/August%2016%20-%2031.htm#August%2026

    August 26 - Accept Trials

    Trials and troubles may seem to overwhelm you. They cannot do more than work My Will, and that Will you have said is your Will.

    Do you not see that you cannot be destroyed? From now a new Life is opening out before you. Yours to enter into the Kingdom I have prepared for you.

    The sunlight of My Presence is on your paths. Trust and go forward unafraid. My Grace is sufficient for all your needs.

    In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Psalm 56:11


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