Friday, November 27, 2009

... are we really brave enough? ...

As written on page 100 in the book The Proof, it is shared that "your shadow has valuable lessons it can teach you, but you must be brave enough to face it ..."
Are we willing to embrace our moments of feeling separated; can we openly observe our tendencies in which we find ourselves judging others; are we willing to engage more flexibility and begin to own our personal parts in situations instead of holding on to grievances and looking to always throw the ball of blame? .... hmmm something to definitely think about I'd say!

These kinds of questions are from the same bag of tricks that I have chosen to live by for many a year now. Although I have been treking along this awakened path for sometime, that doesn't dismiss any of what was written above in terms of exclusion. In fact, the more aware one becomes, the more responsibility given in each unfoldment simply because through our various stages of growth, we have been embedded with divine wisdom along the way ... the old saying that "ignorance is bliss' does hold some merit! If you do not know then how can you be awake enough to choose differently. The responsibility (ability to respond as I like to refer to it) really kicks in when we KNOW differently, when we have been through a situation and have been opened to, shall we say, a higher, more vibrationally attuned method of love!

I am absolutely enjoying the combination of these two programs I am actively engaged with in the moment ... interestingly enough they are very much in sync with the lessons and processes that are being shared. For instance, the exercise given in the book "the proof" on page 102 is very similar to the excavation questions that Baron Baptiste has included in his book for one to participate in weekly .... I fully support the deep dwelling that these questions can lead one to explore.

I would like to now share a very recent personal experience of shadow work that has cropped up most certainly as a result of my heightened awareness as it pertains to this movement and transformational process I have delved into within these two programs...
My son just recently experienced his first real spiritual retreat - it was a four day, fully facilitated experience, very similar to the ones I myself have had the blessed opportunity of being a part of. My understanding is that it was most definitely geared around opening the heart, providing that safe space for one to share their innermost fears, pains, shadows. Quite the opportunity for someone so young to be able to entertain this way of life and to learn different methods to deal with life's challenges. Not to mention the concept of ONENESS that was being shared throughout the entire stay.... not too many teenage boys think in those terms of shared experiences ... brotherhood I am sure has taken on a completely different meaning now that he has heard for himself the pains that accompany each other's own personal story! Gratitude and reverence for the gift of this precious life I am sure has been instilled in some capacity...

As he left for this a week ago, I held a space of much love and a true desire and hope that he as well as the others attending would gently find that courage to finally open up and speak their truths ... a sure act of bravery!

As most kids his age, I do believe he tends to keep much inside and I was hopeful that by the end of this he would feel much more lighter and freer within himself.
WHAT I didn't tune into in that moment was my own shadow having some fun with me ... cleverly disquised I might add. Along with this hope that I was holding, came a hidden agenda ... I was so prepared to expect that when it was all over, this new found LOVE was going to spill over into every area of his life ... He would finally be able to announce to the world just HOW GREAT HIS parents are, how much he is grateful for all the things that they have done ...etc.
Ahhh funny isn't it ... as much as I DO KNOW this to be his deepest truths, those words were never spoken. In a room filled with 34 others with whom most were soo eager to outwardly verbalize these thoughts, mine had to wait until no one else in the room could hear those heart admissions ....
The SHADOW that arose in that moment was simply this ... my lovingly kept expectations of how I assumed he would all of a sudden speak and share differently now that his heart had been stretched and opened ... in a much more outward expression than I am used to~ amazing how when it didn't play out that way, that my ego felt a tinch of "oh my god, maybe he doesn't love us, maybe he isn't grateful, didn't he get anything out of this retreat" .... ALL of course NONSENSE!!! The shadow side of me was trying to instill once again this whole idea of separation, judgements etc through preconceived expectations of what I think should of happened. The shadow had no intention on accepting what was divine and perfect, but rather was more content in sitting in what wasn't ...

I am happy to report though that the light shown on this shadow almost immediately, I bet not more than a 2 minute span was given to hear this untruth before the reality of our shared divinity and sacred connection took over ... yes, all was almost instantly resolved as I came to realize that this was HIS experience and opening and not my ego's ... It was a chance for him to wake to his own freedom, and not mine, it was his time! I was merely blessed to be observing as a spectator in the event and once I internalized that, his love has started to slowly come trickling out in his subtle little ways ...

SO, the lesson you ask ... let us always try to be aware of how figments of scarcity and fear can worm their way into a space that you just aren't even thinking they could enter .... ONENESS is being able to celebrate in anothers' joy and movement even if you are not actively participating in it, (even though on some level we always are!!) ...

I had to really go deep to catch this one because of just how easy and how collectively programmed it was within me to think that way, especially since all others around were experiencing everything I had assumed would just automatically happen ... but that was the catch, although I could momentarily think those thoughts, I knew in my heart that I couldn't FEEL that way! That indeed was the trigger to stop, breathe, go inside and align with my deeper knowing of truth and of the oneness we do indeed share .....
So I say a very deep heart thank you to my most precious son for your participation in this learning not only for yourself but for me as well and moreso for embracing the courage it did take to give yourself the permission to listen to your soul and honour the call .... as you continue on to LIVE THE FOURTH ... knowing that your life does make a difference, always!

I do hope this sharing will offer at least the oppportunity for others to embrace the bravery it does takes for anyone, to heighten the awareness needed to live the life we are all meant to have ... love, blessings and gratitude being sent .. always!

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