Wednesday, January 13, 2010

... YOU are the MIRACLE this world has been waiting for...part one, (just kidding!)

Good day lovely beings of this universe ... hmmm, my thoughts for today are comprised around energy, moreso connections, and how those attachments can reveal themselves to us!
I wasn't going to bother bringing this up as it is truly something I am certain we are all aware of in some respect on some conscious level, but nonetheless, I have decided to overlook my mind and continue on to blog about the importance of remembering this very truth.

What I was so apparently made aware of within the past 36 hours is just how one's joy is not a given or truly a certainty for others to just automatically join in and celebrate, even though the invitation has been extended! It is not uncommon for there to be changes in the norm of the relationship should one party decide to change directions in perhaps growing a little bit, or facing a challenge - whatever the case may be ... yes i know, all elementary I agree but not so in terms of how the heart receives.
One would like to believe that we are all looking out for each others' best interests without any ill intents or ulterior motives ... yes, that is the world I have tried to believe in and live from forever. Sadly enough though that is not always the case for everyone involved and sometimes, there can be moments that arise that can make one question many things, all due to the energetic connections we have with the people and relationships in our world!

HOW DOES ONE DEAL WITH THE DISAPPOINTMENTS sometimes associated with this kind of experience .....

Well, after moments of human reaction I suppose in terms of disbelief and shock over whatever it is you believe has brought forth this "wrong to the heart" you are definitely feeling ... WE HAVE A CHOICE!

Once again we can continue to walk around and carry this not so nice .." you are rocking my inner world with upset" kind of thought OR one can choose to become silent and ALLOW for the greater birth to happen! What I do know as truth for me is when I harbour even for but one moment a reactionary, stick up for myself (my ego is wounded and is now dancing in a victim suit) kind of energy .. I AM the only one that suffers! It doesn't matter who brought these feelings or actions to my door .. it is I that has to process them and find peace in the giving ... not always an easy thing to do!
The thing is, or the truth moreso, is in the realization that all of someone elses stuff be it emotions, shut downs etc. are simply only energetic releases .... where we become personally affected is due to the nature of our energetic connections with that person, place or relationship. Herein lies an opportunity though, to once again let go, detach and remain in a very well deserved place of peace and happiness for whatever special feat it is that you have just conquered!
I'm telling ya, (whomever is out there willing to listen that all of this really brings up the entire premise of acceptance ... not just in accepting someone elses space and/or opinion BUT more importantly, YOUR very own self-acceptance! THIS my friends is the key and one of the most crucial elements of yes, you know it .... self love, baby!!


Hmmm, well, I have learned to make sure to use any and all moments of awkwardness and uncomfortableness to check in deep and see what is really going down and on inside that heart of mine, regardless of the circumstances .... I consciously try to keep things in perspective and to be aware to NOT SACRIFICE the chance to pursue any of my heart dreams and longings, all because it appears that "someone may not just be rooting for ya in your personal spiritual quest" ... because quite frankly they probably aren't, because they can't, all due to their own energetic tendancies they are blindly attached to! SO ... just breathe a sigh of relief, keep loving the world the way you can and know with all certainty, that deep deep within, you are loved, cherished, whole and perfect, period!! And don't ever, give up on your dreams, as you are the miracle the world has been waiting for
.... ahhhhhhh, and so it is!!

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